April 11, 2024

Setting Goals That Unlock Your Business’s Success

Have you ever felt like success is impossible? As a business owner, there have been many times throughout my career when it felt like real success was just impossible to achieve. I’d put in long hours and deny myself an income so I could put every penny back into my business. Yet, at the end of the day, it seemed like I barely moved the proverbial needle. Friends, that was my life until I mastered one particular skill! Setting goals might sound clichéd, but if you follow these steps, it can unlock success in your business!
April 2, 2024

The Five Levels of Wealth: Achieving True Success

Throughout my career, I’ve experienced it all… well, almost. I’ve had some incredible highs and experienced tremendous lows. I’ve endured through lean times and celebrated moments of prosperity. I’d wager that if you looked back on your career, you could say the same thing. But the one thing I haven’t achieved yet is wealth. Don’t get me wrong, I have money and what most would identify as success. But I’m seeking more. I want all five levels of wealth! Join me as I dig into each of them.
March 26, 2024

Disciplined Vision: The Key to Achieving Business Success

The Importance of Vision and Discipline in Achieving Your Goals A clear vision simplifies life by allowing us to focus on what truly matters. Without a clear direction, we often find ourselves floundering and unable to reach our full potential as leaders. In order to identify our vision, we must first understand ourselves and our unique qualifications. Self-awareness is key to unlocking our full potential as business owners. By knowing who we are and what we are capable of, we can make better decisions and take actions that align with our goals. Where There is No Vision, the People Perish The phrase “where there is no vision, the people perish” is often used in a religious context, but it can also be applied to leadership. In this context, “vision” refers to discipline and a clear direction. Without discipline and a clear focus on a greater goal, businesses can falter and […]
March 19, 2024

The Power of Persistence in Business: Unlocking Success

Have you ever thought that success is impossible? Maybe you’re struggling with this right now. You’re doing everything you can to get over the proverbial hump, but you’re just not seeing progress. Friends, it’s frustrating. I know. I’ve been there. However, there’s a crucial ingredient in achieving success, especially for business owners. It’s not just a trait; it’s a necessity. As we sow in our business, we reap rewards greater than we sow, and the power of persistence plays a significant role in this process. It molds us into a person capable of handling future success.
March 12, 2024

Mastering the Art of Delegation In Four Stages

Small business owners often grapple with today’s topic, maybe without recognizing it. You may grasp that delegation is a potent tool, but are you delegating in a manner that grants you freedom, empowers your team, and fosters your business’s growth? Are you bound by the belief that nobody can perform tasks as effectively as you? Is that belief leading you to control all aspects of your company? Join me as I look into mastering the art of delegation and illustrate how successful business owners use it to elevate their companies to unprecedented levels.
March 5, 2024

The Millionaire Mindset: Unlocking the Mystery of Wealth Creation

Have you ever wondered what sets wealthy individuals apart from the rest? Sure. They have a lot of money. But I submit to you that it’s about far more than that. So, what secrets do the wealthy hold that others don’t? In this entry, I peel back the layers and expose the secrets of the rich. If you can understand the millionaire mindset, you can apply it to your own life and achieve the success you desire!
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