November 1, 2017

Why Target-Date Mutual Funds Stink

Traveling on the interstate can seem never-ending when headed to a faraway destination. What better way to take it easy than turning on the cruise control until you arrive? While that sounds like an ideal plan of action, the truth is cruising along at the same speed the whole time may not always be the best option—on the trip and in financial planning.  Retirement is also like a road trip and target-date mutual funds are the cruise control. The problem with cruise control and target-date mutual funds—timing is everything. You may hit the occasional snag and need to slow down. Or perhaps you get a late start and need to accelerate to reach your destination. Whichever is required, it is a good possibility that a target-date mutual fund cannot give you exactly what you need, when you need it.
October 27, 2017

Mortgage Debt: Pay It Off or Invest? Which Should I Do?

The thought of being debt-free sounds like a dream come true for most of us. Many folks are wrapped up in credit card debt, car payments, mortgage payments, etc. However, there’s one debt in which freeing yourself from could do more harm than good, from a mathematical standpoint. That is your mortgage debt. Honestly, it’s often not a good idea to pay it off or even pay extra on it before age 50.
October 4, 2017

How Should I Pay for a New Car?

With car sales hitting record highs, a common question I seem to keep answering is, “Justin, how should I pay for a new car?” While meeting with a client recently, he asked this very question. He actually had a few options he was looking at utilizing for the purchase and wanted my take on what I felt would work best. So with so many others asking as well, I decided to analyze each of the methods he considered. Perhaps a few of them are options you are exploring as well.
August 24, 2017

As a Business Owner, When Should I Start Contributing to Retirement?

I know how easy it can be to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a company. You can get so busy that you even forget about saving for your retirement. We all know that’s never a good idea. Recently someone contacted me on Twitter asking this, “Justin, I’m a new business owner, and I have some extra funds? Should I start contributing to my retirement now?” That’s great that this new business owner is already starting to think about retirement! However, there is a process. 
August 4, 2017

Long-Term Care: Making Preparations for the Future

Most Americans aren’t prepared when it comes to long-term health care. Whether it’s the care of a loved one or your own, long-term care is something we should all be prepping for. In previous generations, elderly parents and grandparents could count on moving in with relatives when they were no longer able to live alone. However, today’s ever-changing family dynamics means many Americans are reluctant to burden their families with caregiving duties.
April 27, 2017

SEP IRA or Solo 401(k)? Which Retirement Plan Is Best For a Business Owner?

One of the questions I often get from our small business owners, is “should I use a SEP IRA or a Solo 401(k)?” Let’s dig into these two investment options and discuss some of the pros and cons to both. They help minimize your personal and business taxes. We know we gotta get some money socked away for our retirement. So, in the debate: SEP IRA vs Solo 401(k), which is best for you?
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