It is often easier to explain difficult financial concepts using videos over words alone. Join us as we try to make your world financially simple.

August 9, 2018

Which Retirement Plan Should You Offer Employees?

As a small business owner, I understand the desire and importance of taking care of your employees. The task of providing for your family and your employees’ families can be daunting. You can do both! However, providing retirement plans for employees requires us to be very cost-conscience. This attention to cost needs to be a driving force when looking at the different plans, but not the only consideration.
July 26, 2018

6 Goals Needed for Turning Your Side Hustle Into Your Full-time Job

You have been doing some work outside the office, and you really enjoy it. So much so that it has you wondering if it can become more than just the source of a little extra spending money. But what is required to turn your side hustle into your full-time job? We will look at goals that could lead you to the career you’ve always dreamed of.
July 12, 2018

Thinking of Buying a Dental Practice? Why the Bank Won’t Loan You The Money

Many entrepreneurs need funding to start a business or grow their business and these folks often turn to banks for financing. Many times, however, the bank will reject your application. Yes, completing a loan application for your company is just one step in the process of acquiring money for a dental practice. However, actually securing the financing may take more work than you realize.
May 24, 2018

What Happens in a Typical Quarterly Business Planning Meeting?

Not long ago I received a Twitter message asking “Justin, what happens in a typical quarterly business planning meeting?” Today I’m giving you a little insight into just such a meeting I had recently. While I can’t go into tons of detail due to confidentiality issues, I can tell you about a meeting I had with one of my clients – a first-generation business owner.
May 17, 2018

Financial Team’s Tax Strategies Saved Small Business Owners $40,000

As a business owner, one of the biggest challenges is keeping as much of your hard-earned money as possible in your own pocket. Last year some clients of mine wanted to find a way to do just that. So I sat down with their CPA and tax attorney to come up with tax strategies to help do just that for this couple. Let me set the stage for what we did for them.
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