In the next 55 episodes, we will cover all the aspects of what it takes to turn your business from a mundane “job” into a business that can change your future. To start the series, click here.

August 8, 2023

What Are the Key Drivers of Operational Efficiency In Your RIA?

Operational efficiency is often the key to unlocking greater profitability and improving the client experience. Yet, improving your RIA’s operational efficiency can be a challenge. How do you know where to begin? Fortunately, there are some key drivers of operational efficiency. Or should I say key perspectives? In today’s entry, I’m going to look at three perspectives to drive greater efficiency in your RIA.
July 4, 2023

Predictably Planning Your Eight-Figure Exit

I recently had the honor of being a speaker at the Exit Planning Institute’s (EPI) annual summit. Throughout the event, I got to speak to hundreds of financial advisors. Let me tell you, I love opportunities like this where I can meet face-to-face and have engaging conversations with my readers. But one thing struck me during the summit. It seemed that everyone I spoke to was asking the same question… “Justin, how can I plan my exit with certainty?” This just goes to show that there is a very real need for guidance on this subject in the RIA space. That’s why I’m dedicating this entry to predictably planning your eight-figure exit.
June 20, 2023

7 Reasons Your “Ideal” Client Will Prevent Your 8-Figure Exit

What do you think of when you hear the term, “ideal client?” Does it conjure images of the billionaire next door who always invites you to join him on exotic hunting trips because he’s so appreciative of the way you’ve handled his accounts? No? Maybe that’s just me. In all seriousness, what does the ideal client look like for you? If you can’t answer that question, or if you’re only able to give a vague description, then your ideal client (or lack of one) could prevent you from making the eight-figure exit. In this entry, I explore seven reasons your ideal could be holding you back.
May 3, 2022

Small Business Marketing: Creating the Perfect Buyer Persona

When you first began your business, you were probably willing to work with anyone who could fog a mirror. However, as your business has grown, you’ve had to become a little more selective. Your business has become more complicated as it has grown. All of a sudden, you’re looking at the vulnerabilities in your company and you’re concerned with concepts like value, profitability, throughput, production, and efficiency. So, how do you identify the customers who enable you to maximize these aspects of your business? Join me as I explore how to target your small business marketing efforts at your ideal customer.
April 5, 2022

Selling a Business: Through the Eyes – The Assets

Over the past year, I’ve spoken with many business owners who are in the process of selling their companies. Some have been better prepared than others. One thing I’ve noticed about those business owners is that they were truly prepared for the scrutiny that comes with the business sale process. Therefore, as we continue looking at your business through the eyes of a buyer, we’re going to shift our attention to assets, technology, and risk management. How do these areas influence the way a buyer views your company? When selling a business, what can you do to improve these areas in a way that makes them more attractive to buyers and investors? 
March 29, 2022

Buying a Business: Through the Eyes of a Buyer Part II

In today’s post, we’re continuing our deep dive into the business sale process and looking at your business through the eyes of a buyer. We’ve already looked at how buyers perceive things like your attitude, expectations, sales, and marketing. But what does the buyer see when they look at your clientele? How do vendor relationships shape their view of your business? What can they learn from your employee teams? You can help facilitate a successful sale by understanding what the buyer is looking at when buying a business. Join me as I explore your clients, vendors, and teams through the buyer’s eyes.
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