Financially Simple™ Disclaimers, Disclosure & Privacy Statements

All information on this website provided by Financially Simple and any of its affiliates are made available for customers and visitors to read for informational purposes only.

All information has been accumulated by websites and sources Financially Simple believe to be reliable in order to provide accurate information. Inadvertently, some information may include factual inaccuracies but all effort has been put into accuracy. Financially Simple expressly disclaims warranties of fitness or merchantability for particular purposes; no accuracy or completeness is warranted for the materials provided by Financially Simple.

Any loss or damage to come as a result of a failure or interruption of this site will not be of responsibility to Financially Simple nor any of its directors, employees, officers, or affiliates. Furthermore, Financially Simple will also not hold responsibility for any loss or damage caused by access or lack of access to this site nor for the omission of any third party involved in the data provided.

If any decisions are made as a result of the information on this site, the users hold full responsibility for this and if damage or loss does arise from particular decisions, you agree that Financially Simple is not accountable for the actions that were taken. Also, Financially Simple reserves the right to prohibit access to the site for any user at any point in time. At any time, Financially Simple may limit users’ access to certain materials or software without notice.

Product and Performance Disclaimers

Please understand that each circumstance is unique and Financially Simple is here to provide general advice and only this. No information should even be construed as an attempt to sell a product or service nor should it be construed as an offer to buy. In addition to this, the general information provided by Financially Simple should never replace professional financial advice towards taxation, legal, or financial matters as they aren’t aware of individual situations.

As the company is based in the United States, the information on this site has been catered towards those in the United States and users outside of this region should be aware that tax rules and restrictions may be completely different from those advised. At no point should the information provided be seen as an attempt to buy or even offer shares in any type of investment where the transaction would be considered unlawful under the appropriate laws according to the jurisdiction. As well as this, even US investors should be aware that not all the information provided will apply to them and not all investments will be available country-wide.

With regards to the performance information, it is all based on previous results and what happens in the past which means that Financially Simple does not hold any responsibility for what happens in the future. As with any other investment, results will vary and your investment may lose money just as it might gain money in the same timescale. It is completely possible to lose money by investing in the funds that are suggested or even noted on this site. Not only are these investments not deposits, but they are also not endorsed by any bank nor are they insured federally or guaranteed by the US government or any other agency. Ultimately, changed traded funds are often traded at a smaller price than their net asset value.

All returns will be subject to the taxes (both local and state) that are applied in any given location. Any capital gains will be subjected to capital gains tax and municipal investments are often free from federal income tax.

When investing in international securities, these involve completely different risks than investments in the US. Not only are they subject to the rules and restrictions in that location, but there are also political and economic risks that make it hard to predict any international trade patterns. Also, there is a lack of available information for foreign companies, the foreign exchanges rates could experience dramatic fluctuations, and regulations regarding investment and exchange could change at any moment.

Not all the investments described will be available for retirement savings plans nor will they be appropriate. All individuals should talk to their professional financial advisor to gain a better knowledge of what actions they can take. If you have any questions regarding funds from a sponsor, you should contact that sponsor directly.

Copyright, License, and Trademark

Financially Simple, LLC and are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This includes all imagery & logos, blogs, podcasts, vlogs, downloadables, social media, and courses/workshops.

All images, graphics, and text are subject to international trademark protection and copyright laws. Absolutely no information can be reproduced, displayed, distributed, transmitted, published, or used for commercial purposes unless consent has been given by Financially Simple. For personal use, you are able to print off copies or electronically store certain pieces of text or images.

All non-Financilly SImple graphics, logos, images have their own copyrights by their respective owners.

Links and Virus Warnings

All links have been provided to make customers’ and visitors’ time more enjoyable and efficient. However. Financially Simple accepts no responsibility for the content on third-party sites nor for the subject matter, reliability, timeliness, or quality. If a link has been provided to help the reader, this does not mean that there is an endorsement or sponsorship with Financially Simple or any of its affiliates. When clicking on any links, please be aware that the usual risks of the internet apply and that these risks need to be fully understood before going ahead. Any harm caused through a third-party site will not be the responsibility of Financially Simple. All viruses or programming/coding devices that can access/delete/damage/disable your computer system and attached data are not the responsibility of Financially Simple and you accept this by clicking on any links provided.

Private Policy, Security, and Cookies

As with many websites on the Internet, Financially Simple collects visitor information in two forms: visitor logs and visitor-submitted contact information. Any information received will be used to provide the visitor with the best experience possible via information (such as email newsletters) or materials that you have requested (downloadable infographics, ebooks, checklists, etc.)

Any subscription can easily be opted-out by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the footer of the email or by contacting us on this page.

The visitor log information collected from our visitors, in the form of cookies, is used to see which pages consumers are accessing as well as receiving user-specific information. When we collect information, we do so in the hopes that we can constantly improve our service, make the website more secure with systems like ReCAPTCHA, and accommodate our visitors’ individual needs. Trends in this information will be shared with select contractors or agents that help us to provide internal support and be used for marketing purposes. However, personal information will never be shared with any other organizations for commercial purposes.

When legally obliged to do so by government authorities, information will be disclosed. When being investigated or checked to ensure the user’s safety, this information may have to be passed along legally.

Ad Servers – At times, we may allow ad companies to place ads on our site and this may require some information to be acquired. For example, information may be collected such as your IP address, domain type, and clickstream information and we cannot be held responsible for any privacy issues with regards to these concerns.

Affiliate Marketing – Some links contained herein are affiliate links. We are not being paid to endorse these products, however, Financially Simple might be compensated if purchases of any of these products or services are made via these links.

For the betterment of our service, we offer various investment opportunities to investors such as brokers, exchanges, investment providers, financial-related companies, and distributors. Financially Simple is not and will never be influenced by these advertisers. As a financial information service, Financially Simple compiles its own opinions of trends and opportunities and will not be swayed by anyone else regardless of whether they provide ads or not. When discussing and deciding upon advertising, the decisions are made purely on investment discipline and nothing more.

Here at Financially Simple™, we want to help you make informed financial decisions for your small business with confidence. In doing so, we might recommend products and services that might offer us compensation when you use them. This compensation is used to help offset the cost of creating the content we give to you for free. We will, however, never suggest products/services solely for the compensation received. As stated before, our goal is to make understanding money for the business owner, his family, and anyone visiting this website… Financially Simple.

Awards & Accolades

Certifications, awards, and training are no guarantee of future investment success. Financially Simple is not affiliated with the organizations listed, and they should not be construed as endorsing the firm.

Many, if not all awards, accolades, or other promotions are given by independent groups. Selection is based on each companys’ independent criteria and is in no way purchased or influenced directly by Financially Simple or Justin Goodbread.

Investopedia Top 100 – 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023
The Investopedia 100 was created by analyzing the presence and impact of financial advisors across social media channels, TV and radio, conferences, and their own blogs and websites. To conduct this analysis Investopedia looked at the frequency of posts and appearances, the number of followers, reader engagement, and citations of their work by other advisors, consumers, and the financial media. Investopedia’s editorial team reviewed the results, researched each advisor under consideration, and made the final determination.

Exit Planning Institute Leader of the Year – 2018
Advisors honored with the EPI Leader of the Year award have made a lasting impact on their communities, whether local, national, or industry-wide, and embody the core qualities of a true leader. They don’t shy away from complex problems. They demonstrate the ability to evolve and lead others in an ever-changing marketplace. And most importantly, they understand that nothing important is accomplished alone.

Knoxville Business Journal 40 Under 40 – 2019
Nominees must be 39 years of age or younger on Dec., 31, to be considered. The nominator will fill out a short form and provide background on the nominee’s professional and philanthropic achievements and any other information that can help shine a light on why the nominee is an outstanding candidate for 40 Under 40. 

Feedspot Top 10 Business Podcast – 2018
Feedspot Top 10 Business Education Youtube Channels to Follow in 2021 – 2021
“Feedspot has a team of over 25 experts whose goal is to rank blogs, podcasts, and youtube channels in several niche categories. Publishers submit their blogs or podcasts on Feedspot using the form at the top of this page. [The] expert editorial team reviews and adds them to a relevant category list. The ranking is based on relevancy, blog post frequency(freshness), social metrics, domain authority, traffic, and many other parameters. [Feedspot] routinely removes inactive blogs and those which are no longer relevant to a given list. The list is updated as [they] receive new blog submissions and re-ranked every few weeks.”

Top 20 Financial Advisor, Player FM Podcast – 2019
Player FM’s rankings are generated using a listen-based algorithm based solely on weekly listenership within the player Player FM app/website.

10 Best Podcast for Financial Advisors, Listen To Podcasts – 2021
Listen to Podcast’s rankings are based on the reviewer’s personal opinion of the podcast.


Terms and Conditions of Financially Simple

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

When using this website, your access is subject to the Terms & Conditions and you will never use this site for any reasons that go against said Terms & Conditions or are unlawful. To be using this website, you automatically accept the Terms & Conditions as well as all of the disclaimers held in this notice. If you do not agree with any of the statements laid out above or in the Terms & Conditions, you must stop using the site immediately or else accept.


When making a decision or deciding to go against one, Financially Simple will not be held responsible. The information provided by Financially Simple does not constitute advice and should not be relied upon.

Change of Use

Financially Simple will always reserve the right to change, adapt, or completely remove any of the information that is provided within the website. When information is changed, adapted, or removed, there doesn’t have to be any notice between Financially Simple and the users of the site. Financially Simple will not be held liable for any changes that occur and your acceptance of this fact will be seen in your continued use of the site.

Links to Third-Party Sites

At times, Financially Simple may include third-party links to informational pieces and this is to better the experience for visitors. Please note that all of these links are maintained by other companies and a link doesn’t represent an endorsement of any kind. By using the site, you agree that Financially Simple is not responsible for the information held within these sites.


All content in terms of text, images, graphics, courses, downloadables, and more is subject to the appropriate copyright, trademarks, and intellectual property rights. All of these are owned and licensed to Financially Simple which means that they cannot be copied, redistributed, or claimed as one’s own without the express permission of the owner. When visiting the website, you agree that everything you see is for personal use and cannot be taken for commercial purposes. Without consent, you cannot steal, download, copy, transmit, store, reproduce, redistribute, or sell any of the information provided. However, users can download and print for personal use if required.

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

Financially Simple will never be held accountable for any loss or significant damage caused by a connection with the website. All decisions made – including opportunities, data, investment, business, and profits – are done so purely as a risk by the user and Financially Simple accepts no responsibility for risks taken. As a whole, the website is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available basis with no endorsement or representation made.

Financially Simple also makes no warranty that the website will work without faults or downtime. Furthermore, there is no warranty that errors will be fixed or that the website or server will be free from viruses or anything else that will cause harm to the user.


As per your continued use of the website, you agree that Financially Simple, its employees, and agents will remain free from liabilities, losses, legal fees, and any other costs that arise from any claims brought against Financially Simple. You also accept the responsibility that it is up to you to familiarise yourself with the Terms & Conditions and therefore no one related to Financially Simple can be apportioned with blame.


All of these Terms & Conditions will be governed by and construed within US law and you accept the jurisdiction of the US courts.


Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP (with flame logo)® in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.