November 14, 2023

Marketing and Sales Alignment: Driving the Eight-Figure Exit

Have you ever considered the relationship between your RIA’s marketing and sales departments? Are they working in harmony to achieve the same goal, or do they operate as separate entities that occasionally cross paths? Marketing and sales alignment is an essential element in creating sustainable growth for the eight-figure exit. In this entry, I’m going to explore the relationship between sales and marketing, as well as some helpful metrics you can track to develop much-needed synergy.
November 6, 2023

Sales Projections and Your RIA’s Health: A Financially Simple Guide

Sales are a vital part of any business. Without them, your company won’t last very long. But what can we learn from them? It may be tempting to view sales projections as just a way of determining what your year-end revenue might look like, but you’d be missing the full picture if you do. You see, your RIA’s projected sales could give you an in-depth view of its overall health. In this post, I’m going to look at what your sales forecast could be trying to tell you!
October 31, 2023

The Power of No: Streamlining Your RIA’s Clientele for the Eight-Figure Exit

As your business has grown, it likely became more complicated. You started off with just a handful of clients who were willing to put their trust in an upstart. Now, you find yourself serving more affluent clients and seeing that they provide a more efficient path to revenue growth. Unfortunately, your book is full, and bringing on more clients would require a significant investment. Fortunately, there is an answer. It can be found in the power of “no.” Just as every garden needs pruning for the healthiest growth, carefully pruning your client list could make room for the growth you desire. In this entry, I’m going to look at the power of “no,” and how such a small word can have a big impact on your firm.
October 24, 2023

Implement These 4 Strategies in Your Sales Department to Close More Leads

Driving your Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) toward the eight-figure exit demands a strategic approach that balances your growth aspirations with operational efficiency. In my last entry, I discussed why decentralization is a necessity for those seeking true value growth. Today, I’m going to continue by discussing one of the more practical aspects of decentralizing. After all, in order to decentralize, you must have confidence that your RIA can continue to grow without you actively working in it. So, join me as I unpack four strategies you can implement to close more leads even when you’re no longer involved in the daily operations!
October 17, 2023

Using Benchmarks to Decentralize and Spur Organic Growth

Preparing your Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) for the eight-figure exit is a long and daunting task. It requires detailed planning, lots of follow-through, and many long hours. I know it can seem like a pipe-dream, but it actually is attainable. However, there’s a critical step in preparing for the eight-figure exit that many advisors don’t take until much too late. If you want to spur organic growth, drive value, and reach the eight-figure exit, you’re going to have to let go. In this entry, I’m going to look at how using benchmarks to decentralize can help you get where you want to be!
October 10, 2023

Building an Incentive Program for Your RIA: Nurturing Success and Growth

For many RIA owners, success lies not only in astute financial decisions but also in fostering a motivated and engaged team. However, anytime you’re dealing with people, things can get complicated. Fortunately, there is a way to align your vision for the future with your team’s individual aspirations. In today’s entry, I’m going to explore the role an employee incentive program plays in attracting, retaining, and empowering talent, as well as helping you reach your eight-figure exit.
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