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October 27, 2017

Mortgage Debt: Pay It Off or Invest? Which Should I Do?

The thought of being debt-free sounds like a dream come true for most of us. Many folks are wrapped up in credit card debt, car payments, mortgage payments, etc. However, there’s one debt in which freeing yourself from could do more harm than good, from a mathematical standpoint. That is your mortgage debt. Honestly, it’s often not a good idea to pay it off or even pay extra on it before age 50.
July 24, 2017

Liquid Net Worth – The Definition & Why It Matters

Finance is a multifaceted subject. It cuts across various aspects of our lives and, at certain times, it can knock the wind right out of us. For instance, I recently met with one of our wealth management clients and the topic of liquid net worth came up. I know liquid net worth doesn’t garner the attention that net worth does. However, both calculations have their place in your finances. You really should know why liquid net worth matters and how to determine yours.
January 12, 2017

24 Investing Statistics You Must Know

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, I’m constantly communicating with investors who develop ideas and opinions about the stock market. I truly understand their angst. I too struggle to make the best decisions with my personal funds, which is why I hired a financial planner for myself! With all the uncertainty that surrounds the market, we decided to put together a list of 24 of the most interesting investing statistics we think you need to know before diving in.
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