It is often easier to explain difficult financial concepts using videos over words alone. Join us as we try to make your world financially simple.

August 31, 2017

How Are Financial Advisors Paid?

When you start searching for financial advisors, you likely heard the terms, fee-based, fee-only and commission based. These are simply three ways that financial professionals are paid. What does each of these terms mean and which is best for me? Today I’m clearing up the confusion!
August 24, 2017

As a Business Owner, When Should I Start Contributing to Retirement?

I know how easy it can be to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a company. You can get so busy that you even forget about saving for your retirement. We all know that’s never a good idea. Recently someone contacted me on Twitter asking this, “Justin, I’m a new business owner, and I have some extra funds? Should I start contributing to my retirement now?” That’s great that this new business owner is already starting to think about retirement! However, there is a process. 
August 3, 2017

What is a CEPA and the Reason I Became One?

If you’ve been on this website much you have more than likely seen the mention of my designation: CEPA. Now, you are probably wondering “what is a CEPA?” So in this article, I am answering multiple questions: what a CEPA is and the value to people in the business world.
May 28, 2017

5 Steps to Set Up a Successful Personal Budget

 Did you know that two out of three Americans go through life without a budget? That equals out to about 70% of Americans living without a detailed plan that allocates what they should be spending and saving. We’ve all heard just how important budgets are to keep your finances on track, yet the vast majority of the country’s citizens continue to live without one. Why is that? For many, the word budget conjures up images of frugality they aren’t willing to partake in—people see it as more of a restraint than a liberating element to their life. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Once you’re in control of where your money goes, then you know how you want to spend it. Here are five steps to transform your financial life by simply setting up a successful personal budget.
May 25, 2017

How a True Wealth Manager Views Your Life

Hey, guys! Justin with Financially Simple here to help you understand how a wealth manager views your financial life. Most people think a wealth manager is just someone who invests money, but that’s not really the case if they are a setting up a comprehensive plan. Investing money is just one aspect of what we do.
May 19, 2017

From Finance Extraordinaire to Weekend Farmer

Hey, guys! Some of you asked how I decompress away from the office. So I decided to give you a glimpse of Justin the “Weekend Farmer” as I gear up for garden season! I’ll take you through the process on the homestead which we call Joseph’s Ridge and just because I can I’ll even throw in some bonus finance tips along the way! So get ready to not only walk the path to make your life financially simple but gardening simple too! Enjoy the journey and make it a great day!
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