In the next 37 episodes, we will cover all the aspects that make a business more valuable to potential buyers when it comes time to sell it. To start the series, click here.

June 7, 2018

At the Closing Table of A Business Sale… What You as the Seller Can Expect – Post #36

In our Building a Sellable Business series, both parties have now satisfied. We’re ready to sit down at the closing table. Can you believe it? After a “mere” 35 articles, months of prework, and thousands of hoops jumped through, we’ve reached the actual sale of your business! But what happens next? Where do you go to sign the paperwork, and what can you expect to happen when you get there? Well, let’s dive in and look at what you can expect at the closing table of a business sale.
May 31, 2018

4 Common Reasons a Buyer Backs Out of the Sale of a Business – Post #35

You’re ready to close on your business sale! You’ve scheduled the closing. You’ve got your signature pen in hand, and you’re ready to sign on the dotted line. But out of nowhere, the buyer has changed his mind. So let’s look at four common reasons a buyer backs out of the sale of a business so we can be prepared. Then, let’s figure out how to handle those disruptions.
May 18, 2018

The Re-Trade in a Business Sale… The Final Gotcha – Post #34

The due diligence period has just wrapped up, and teams are finalizing everything for the sale of your business. You’re ready for the “payday” – but then you get a call from one of your exit team members. The buyer has asked for a last-minute price reduction… a re-trade. Hearing those words will either have you wondering, “what’s a re-trade?”, or if you have done this before, send you into a tailspin of anxiety. Whichever person you are, you need to know why re-trades in a business sale occur so that you can see if there is anything you can do in advance to avoid hearing that dreaded word.
May 17, 2018

6 Steps in a Due Diligence Process of Your Business’s Sale – Post #33

You’ve nurtured your “business baby” for years and years and know all about it. Consequently, only you have knowledge of unrecorded company processes and procedures. You have information in your head that the buyer wants to know. In fact, his team is probably asking, “What are we missing?” The due diligence process after the buyer issues a Letter of Intent and during the drafting of the purchase agreement is perhaps one of the most stressful dealings for the business seller. Candidly, that’s because the buyer is trying to figure out why your company is not worth what you think it’s worth. The buyer is digging up dirt on your business while you’re trying to remain calm under pressure. In this post, I’m going to walk you through 6 steps in a due diligence process that will help you navigate these murky waters and finalize that protective purchase agreement.
May 10, 2018

Outlining the Business Purchase Agreement: A Simple Guide

In Post #31, I answered the question, “What is a purchase agreement for a business?” Now, I need to show you what an actual business purchase agreement looks like. Since you know that you have certain protective terms and conditions to include, you need to know where to put them. Yes, this document can protect buyers and sellers. However, it does so much more than that. Essentially, the purchase of business agreement outlines and answers everything about the business’s sale.
May 3, 2018

The Many MANY Ways a Purchase Agreement Protects Both Seller & Buyer – Post #31

The last step, the closing of your business sale, hinges upon acceptance of a purchase agreement by both buying and selling agents, and many sellers gloss over the details within it to get to the closing table as quickly as possible. But now is not the time to become lax. This article is designed to give you some of the many things to look out for as you review the hundreds of pages of legal “mumbo-jumbo.” After all, the wording in the purchase agreement protects you from legal or financial risk after the sale of the business.
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