August 24, 2017

As a Business Owner, When Should I Start Contributing to Retirement?

I know how easy it can be to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a company. You can get so busy that you even forget about saving for your retirement. We all know that’s never a good idea. Recently someone contacted me on Twitter asking this, “Justin, I’m a new business owner, and I have some extra funds? Should I start contributing to my retirement now?” That’s great that this new business owner is already starting to think about retirement! However, there is a process. 
August 20, 2017

Why You Should Hire a Certified Exit Planning Advisor

For most business owners, your companies are your babies. Just like your own children, you pour all you can into your company so that when they become independent from your guidance, they can stand on their own. That means when the time comes to step away from your business you can leave knowing it will succeed. One of the best ways to achieve that for a business is to devise an exit plan.
August 17, 2017

How to Increase the Value of Your Business Before You Sell

We recently looked at the dangers of streamlining a business for the purpose of selling it. Today I’m going to discuss how to increase the value of your business long before you pass the torch on… in ways that won’t hurt it. Have you ever wondered what makes one company more valuable than another despite the fact that they are in the same industry? I’m going to give you several points you can work toward achieving. However, the most vital component is honestly and planning years in advance. 
August 10, 2017

Achieving Charitable Desires While Increasing Your Net Gain

When it comes to philanthropic giving business owners are often at the top of the list. Not only do owners give on a regular basis, but many of my clients have the goal to give a portion of their proceeds of the sale of their business to their favorite charity. Luckily, there are tax benefits to making charitable donations. Giving allows you to experience personal satisfaction as well as knowing the money will go directly to the needy, rather than going through Uncle Sam. 
August 3, 2017

Who Are the Professionals Involved in Building A Business Owner’s Exit Strategy?

You’re thinking about selling your business. World travels and the grandkids are calling. But where to start the transition out? The process is much more difficult than it sounds, especially if you are looking to retire on the money from the sell the business. Doesn’t it make sense to bring in a dedicated team to strategically plan out your exit? We will be discussing some of the team players that are typically involved in building a business owner’s exit strategy.
July 17, 2017

The Four C’s – the Intangible Assets that Drive REAL Value to a Business

Being a small business owner means you work hard to increase your bottom line and drive income into your pocket. The problem with that is most owners forget that a strong bottom line is only a small part of the value of a business. You MUST be working on both. So, what actually makes a business valuable to potential buyers?
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